Wednesday, December 3, 2014

dihital scrapbook

December 3rd, 2014

Photo show

Two Slideshows and 15 pitures
Photo show or animoto? Which is better? Which one would YOU choose? They are simply both of coarse regular websites that help you make a video slideshow without doing as much work with transitions on each and every slide. Although when you use two different websites with the same folder there are differences in the videos and the websites that make it look or how you yourself or the audience different. You may add one word there and no words there. IT WILL END UP BEING DIFFERENT NO MATTER WHAT SITE YOU USE! As I said before; photo show or animoto? Those are the two websites I used, and here are my two DIFFERENT slide shows.

My first slide show I made in photo show and there was a lot of confusing parts to it. There was some good parts to; like the fun little bubbles with texts added to it and plenty of options to use. (Coughing while saying unlike animoto.) The backgrounds are amazing and fun to use with their own different animations added. If you like this one there will be a link at the bottom of the page. Now back to the topic, the cleanses of the website is amazing. http://www. photo

The other site was not the best completely Although some parts were better than photo show like how it straitened the photos the right way. There was not much to choose from making it harder to make the slide show how I myself wanted it to look like. The making of that one took me like 5 minutes while the other like 30, so it was more faster to  make.

The best of the two websites can be switched around a lot but mine will stay with photo show. There will always be opinions out there and no one can change that. Yes this is short but there it is, my opinion.

Monday, December 1, 2014

The assignment is done

The assignment is done!


These pictures took me a while to get but what I did is take them on my phone then I put them on Google drive and put them on my school computer in my files then put them in a contact sheet. Now here is my three day long contact sheet. The first picture I chose because it was blue of coarse, the second picture to the right on the first column is my dog Daisy Mae and I chose that because she is soooooo cute! The third picture is of Ernie off in the distance under my parent's bed, and of coarse I just love him to pieces so I could not leave him out. Then the eyeball is also of Ernie and if you had a choise to take a picture of an eyeball you would do a pet because who wouldn't. The flowers are my over few I chose it because who doesn't love flowers! Flowers are just so awseome! he picture of the stay strong sign is for something memorable and I guess Gage is memorable because of the heart failure he went through. The picture of the green thing; ir ahs a name I just forget the name of it, but it is so cool how those little spider repelers are. The photo of the hands is normal, a pair of hands that's it. The picture of the dog laughing is Ernie who is smiling for a car ride. The picture of the track is just a track and no one was there. The poisinios berries is the red picture. The other picture are regular berries for the medium shot. The trees are the complicated picture, and the dog walking away is Bagel. The last picture is Samuel waving off in the distance.

five favorite pictures

five favorite pictures

These are my five favorite pictures because they involve my dogs and flowers. They also are the most eye catchers.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Post 2 What are your favorite apps on your phone or tablet? Why?

     My favorite game on my Phone is called 2048, it is a math game. I got addicted by my friend Madison who is a 6th grader and then I got my friend Rachel addicted who is an 8th grader. In back stage during the play 30 reasons not to be in a play I caught her playing it and we just both laughed. The game is played by swiping two from the same numbers to get a big number and yes you can get higher than 2048. My high score is around 11,000 but my highest block was the 1,024th block, it took me like 30 minutes to get there but I was in trouble so I just played it while my dad yelled at my brother.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Weekend for Hannah Rock

Last weekend I went to a shelter I forgot the name of the shelter but it was a lot of fun. I go there every weekend they have dogs and cats everywhere. We got to wash a Saint Bernard named Marcie and two Great  Dane. The boy was Charlie and the girl was Lucy. They were both adorable, Charlie is the biggest although he acted  like a flower then Lucy, oh, she was just wanting to lay down when I was rubbing the soap on her belly. I think she liked that free belly rub.